Art is a way to say
who you are without
having to speak

The future of the art market

All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. It is no mere chance that our older universities developed from clerical schools. Both churches and universities — insofar as they live up to their true function — serve the ennoblement of the individual. They seek to fulfill this great task by spreading moral and cultural understanding, renouncing the use of brute force.״ – Albert Einstein, “Moral Decay” (1937); later published in Out of My Later Years (1950).

Our branch grows where we live, it brings medicine, opens a slit into the rising spring code and reveals to us the mystery of daily harmony, in a world saturated with conflict and ignorance but at the same time with love and longing for peace.

Art is known for its beauty, shape, line, space, form, texture, color, emotional and spiritual vibrations, but is also known for its social and epistemic importance; that is, for its communicative nature, its capacity to increase one’s self-knowledge and encourage personal growth, and its ability to challenge our schemas and preconceptions.

Art is a uniquely human expression of creativity. It helps us understand our past, people who are different from us, and ultimately, ourselves.

Our Team

Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose.

Shay Rosen

Dan Komem

Marie Shek



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